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Re: does sendmail work with ldap groups?

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 11:31:03AM +0200, Julio Sánchez Fernández wrote:
> And yet, doing it inside sendmail would be so nice, like being able
> to implement mailHost and mailRoutingAddress *exactly* as the LASER
> mail routing internet draft says.  And avoiding log file bloat (that
> makes statistics gathering a nightmare) and unneeded overhead passing
> the very same message from sendmail to mail500 to multiple instances
> of sendmail, to mail500 again, each of them invoking sendmail again
> that launches yet more mail500 copies and the like.  This can happen
> easily if you have nested mail groups that span several domains hosted
> on the same server and you are not careful.
In a former work environment I had a work alias that chained through four
different mail addresses, on three machines, one of which was a mere 3000km
away (but this was in the days of T1 cross country links). So mail to that
address would bounce across Canada three times!

The ridiculous part being that *all* of the systems where using the same
database for routing (replicated for local access). 

I was very motivated to make sure my current solution using exim would not
require this. I use a mailschema similiar to the Laser draft and exim is
very happy iterating and recursing through all available addresses until
it has a final list of deliverable addresses. It then proceeds to deliver
them locally or forwards them to whatever system they should be delivered 

Stuart Lynne <sl@fireplug.net>                __O 
<http://edge.fireplug.net>                  _-\<,_               604-461-7532
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