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Re: does sendmail work with ldap groups?

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:

> I assume you are referring to Julio's efforts.  I believe most
> of his changes, primarily aimed at externalizing configuration,
> have been committed to devel.  I'm hoping to put them through
> their paces soon... (I'm still using the release version).

I have been running what is on CVS for production and I have found
some gotchas there.  The concept of a single attribute type list
that is explored on all objectclasses is broken.  Either the config
file needs to be made more flexible or separate attribute lists
per objectclass are needed.  Since discussing this would stretch
the limits of this list too far, I will refrain from it, but
everyone is welcome to raise this in -devel.

On the topic of LDAP in sendmail, I find the planned changes for
8.10 too short.  I don't see a way to implement anything like
what I want except by using lots of searches, possibly involving
several ldap maps.  I am convinced that the right approach in
sendmail should be modeled after UDB, not simple map queries.

And yet, doing it inside sendmail would be so nice, like being able
to implement mailHost and mailRoutingAddress *exactly* as the LASER
mail routing internet draft says.  And avoiding log file bloat (that
makes statistics gathering a nightmare) and unneeded overhead passing
the very same message from sendmail to mail500 to multiple instances
of sendmail, to mail500 again, each of them invoking sendmail again
that launches yet more mail500 copies and the like.  This can happen
easily if you have nested mail groups that span several domains hosted
on the same server and you are not careful.
