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Re: does sendmail work with ldap groups?

Chris Winters wrote:
> Actually, I looked into mail500 when the need came up, but the primary
> author wrote in one of the mailing lists that mail500 was in the
> process of being thoroughly rewritten.

mail500 was written, I believe, by Tim Howes while at the University
of Michigan.  It's currently being maintained cooperatively by its
users as part of OpenLDAP Project.

> mail500 was in the process of being thoroughly rewritten.

I assume you are referring to Julio's efforts.  I believe most
of his changes, primarily aimed at externalizing configuration,
have been committed to devel.  I'm hoping to put them through
their paces soon... (I'm still using the release version).

> That was enough for me to not go there :)

Can't argue with that... (or other valid reasons not to use mail500).
However, it can be a viable option for some sendmail users.

> In the future, however, I'm looking forward to scrapping
> the homegrown solution and using the built-in support of sendmail,
> either through mail500 or otherwise.

I would love to see others contribute to better LDAP support in
sendmail and other MTAs.

Kurt D. Zeilenga <kurt@boolean.net>
Net Boolean Incorporated <http://www.boolean.net/>