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RE: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

Also, from a vim cn={0}core.ldif:

olcObjectClasses: {2}( NAME 'organization' DESC 'RFC2256: an organiz
 ation' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST o MAY ( userPassword $ searchGuide $ seeAlso
  $ businessCategory $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicato
 r $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ tel
 ephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $  facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street
  $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName 
 $ st $ l $ description ) )

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cooter 
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 11:20 AM
To: 'openldap-technical@openldap.org' <openldap-technical@openldap.org>
Subject: RE: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

For reference, the contents of my cn=config:

[root@ldapv slapd.d]# cd cn=config
[root@ldapv cn=config]# ll
total 24
drwxr-x---. 2 ldap ldap 4096 Apr 28 08:10 cn=schema -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  378 Apr 26 13:45 cn=schema.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  513 Apr 26 13:45 olcDatabase={0}config.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  443 Apr 26 13:45 olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  613 Apr 26 15:32 olcDatabase={1}monitor.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  722 Apr 28 08:21 olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif [root@ldapv cn=config]# cd cn=schema [root@ldapv cn=schema]# ll total 48 -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap 15578 Apr 26 13:45 cn={0}core.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap 11455 Apr 28 08:09 cn={1}cosine.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  6587 Apr 28 08:09 cn={2}nis.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  2949 Apr 28 08:09 cn={3}inetorgperson.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  1611 Apr 28 08:10 cn={4}misc.ldif -rw-------. 1 ldap ldap  3721 Apr 28 08:10 cn={5}ppolicy.ldif

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cooter
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 11:18 AM
To: openldap-technical@openldap.org
Subject: RE: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

That was my understanding, that I only needed to include the schema I was trying to convert. The "test.conf" file ONLY had the schema for conversion included. And since "organization" does come from the base schema, I'm wondering WHY I'm getting this error on conversion. I have included the problematic object definition earlier in this thread, and I really don't see why I'm failing. I can post the entire schema I'm trying to convert if that would help. I'm really quite stumped. This should be a simple conversion, but why I'm failing when attempting to attach to an existing objectClass is beyond my understanding.

-----Original Message-----
From: Quanah Gibson-Mount [mailto:quanah@symas.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 11:14 AM
To: John Cooter <jcooter@atlantech.net>; openldap-technical@openldap.org
Subject: RE: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

--On Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:28 AM -0400 John Cooter <jcooter@atlantech.net> wrote:

> So, just to confirm what you're saying, that EVEN THOUGH the existing 
> schema has all the prerequisite objectClass and other object types, 
> and even though I'm attempting to use slaptest to convert a single 
> extended .schema, a holdover from an earlier version of openldap, to 
> an .ldif in the configuration cn, that my test.conf, must have lines 
> that include all the other base schema files as well?

You should absolutely not be including elements from other schema into the file simply for the purpose of conversion, as you will end up with a file you won't be able to import to cn=config if it has those other schema included.  And, if it had all the elements as you claim, then you certainly wouldn't be getting an error about the "organization" objectClass being missing, given that that comes from the "core" schema file.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: