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Re: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

John Cooter wrote:
> Upon attempting to perform a “slaptest -f
> test.conf -F testing” where test.conf contains only an include statement that points to
> /etc/openldap/schema/cgp.schema, and testing is an empty directory, I receive the
> following error message:
> 59033edc /etc/openldap/schema/cgp.schema: line 640 objectClass: ObjectClass not found:
> "organization"

Normally you have to include various schema files shipped with OpenLDAP and after that
add the include statements for your custom schema.

> I am able to verify that the various base includes in my LDAP server do include an
> objectClass “organization” and can verify same in phpLDAPadmin, and in other methods.

So simply add /etc/openldap/schema/cgp.schema to your existing config file and test this
config file with slaptest.

Ciao, Michael.

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