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Re: Searching without matching derived attributes

Quanah Gibson-Mount a écrit :
> --On Monday, May 09, 2005 1:36 PM -0500 Digant C Kasundra
> <digant@uta.edu> wrote:
>>> ># utaMailAlias -- email alias value
>>> > attributetype ( NAME 'utaMailAlias'
>>> >     DESC 'Email alias'
>>> >     SUP mail)
>>> >
>>> Don't SUP it.  Use your OID for the NAME, and use the same SYNTAX as the
>>> mail attribute. ;)
>> Here is a theoretical question that I'll ask to see if someone has
>> experience with it.  If I change the above attributetype definition, but
>> currently have attributes of that type in my directory, will lead to
>> problems?  I'm not familiar with the underlying structure used to store
>> or index these attributes in the backend to know how to predict the
>> results.  I'll likely err on the side of caution and remove then reload
>> those attributes unless someone can assure me that it isn't necessary.
> First, look and see if there is an utaMailAlias.bdb file (that would be
> its index file).

I ve the same "mistake" but there is not index file, so what can I do ?


Anthony Milan