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Re: OpenLDAP, Netscape and Linux

At 06:10 PM 11/16/99 +0100, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
>I've been using Netscape with slapd on a network of Linux boxes, with
>some problems. I remember Netscape raising a number of errors now
>and then when using slapd as directory server. I never had any chance
>of checking whether it works with Netscape DS.

I would suggest you determine if the problems are primarily
related to the Netscape client or the OpenLDAP server.  If you
can duplicate them using command line tools, then that's a good
indication that the problems are with the OpenLDAP server.

I then suggest you take each problem to the appropriate forum.
For OpenLDAP, please use our software mailing list to get OpenLDAP
software issues resolved.   For Netscape, use their newsgroups/mailing

>Another problem is that the URL
>        ldap:///mysuffix
>which should be legal,

Yes, "if no hostport is given, the client must have some apriori
knowledge of an appropriate LDAP server to contact."

If the client has no apriori knowledge, use of such should return
an error.

>meaning "use the default host", always causes Netscape
>to sigsegv.

I suggest reporting this to Netscape.  They are generally pretty
good about fixing things.

>Did anybody else find any occurrence of such problems, and does anybody
>have a fix
>for any of them?

Sounds mostly like Netscape issues.  You might search the
software list's archives, but I suspect you'll find more
specific answers on a Netscape forum.
