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Re: OpenLDAP, Netscape and Linux

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> At 06:10 PM 11/16/99 +0100, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
> >I've been using Netscape with slapd on a network of Linux boxes, with
> >some problems. I remember Netscape raising a number of errors now
> >and then when using slapd as directory server.
> I would suggest you determine if the problems are primarily
> related to the Netscape client or the OpenLDAP server.

The problem with Netscape Communicator return 0xFFFFFFFF as error number
is definitely only related to the Linux version of Netscape
Communicator. They announced to have fixed it several versions ago but
they did not.

> I suggest reporting this to Netscape.  They are generally pretty
> good about fixing things.

No, they're not. :-( There were several posting on Netscape forums about
this but it's still not fixed (version 4.7). IMHO they simply set a
timeout too short.

Ciao, Michael.