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Re: [ldapext] VLV: a particular target entry

At 02:51 PM 2002-09-26, David Boreham wrote:
>> If cookies were mandatory to implement, always provided by
>> the servers, always returned by the client, and the
>> specification stated that the server must ensure continuity
>> between scroll up/down events, the cookie mechanism might
>> work.
>Cookies are optional because they're a performance optimization
>required only by a subset of implementations. 

Then don't sell it as a solution to list continuity issues.
In the below discussions I will assume no cookie was
provided by the server.

>I'm not clear what you're asking for by 'continuity'.

Discontinuity would be:

User is provided a view into a list showing "Apples, Washington"
to "Oranges, Florida".  The user requests the list be scrolled
down expecting the new view to show "Oranges, Florida" to whatever.
(The application is designed to show overlap of one list
entry between views and the list is sorted first by "fruit"
and then by "state").

However, the new list shows "Pinapples, Hawaii" to
"Tangerines, California".

The new view is not continuous with the prior view.  There
is a discontinuity.

Selection by DN is useful not only to provide continuity
but to detect and, where detected, resolve address discontinuity

For instance, selection by DN would have allowed the client
select the entry listed as "Tangerines, California" as the
target.  Or, the client requesting additional overlapping
entries, could actually detection changes to the target
entry which affect its ordering and then choose whether
to continue using it, or to select another target entry.

>Are you concerned about missing entries from the list in the general
>case, or where the list is modified concurrently with the scrolling ?
>> However, even with this, VLV still wouldn't provide a 
>> precise mechanism to select a particular target entry.
>Correct. Isn't this orthogonal ?

No.  Because selection by DN is a mechanism for precisely
selecting a particular target entry.  No other mechanism
for precisely selecting a particular target entry has been

>Can we seprate the two issues ?

The issue is there is no precise mechanism.
Selection by DN is a precise mechanism.

I don't see any reason to separate the issue from a possible

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