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Re: [ldapext] VLV: a particular target entry

At 01:48 PM 2002-09-25, David Boreham wrote:
>> I would like to see the request control extended to allow
>> specification of a particular target entry by name.
>Name ? Can you expand on this idea ?

distinguished name.

>VLV as specified is designed to allow
>the display of entries before and after an
>entry matching a particular value, in a sorted list.

A particular value selects only the first entry which
has a greater than or equal value.  There could be
numerous entries which are all equal to the particular
value.  The client many want to select a particular target

>It isn't clear to me what you want in addition to this capability.

          CHOICE {
                name    [2] distinguishedName

(as indicated in my review notes, I believe the CHOICE
should be given an identifier)


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