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Re: [ldapext] VLV: a particular target entry

At 12:28 PM 2002-09-26, David Boreham wrote:
>> No, I'm asking to specify DN in place of byoffset or
>> greaterThanOrEqual.
>I can't argue that this is a useless or insane thing to want.
>However, I don't see a compelling use case which would
>warrant changing the protocol

The use case is precise "scroll up" and "scroll down" actions.

Without this, a "scroll up" may result in entries below
the current view being returned.  Without this, a "scroll down"
may result in entries above the current view being returned.

Note only do I believe this feature should be added, that the
document needs to be rewritten to to use precise target
entry selection (by DN) for scrolling.


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