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Re: Using virtual IP and N-way mutlimaster mode

2018-01-15 10:38 GMT+04:00 Clément OUDOT <clem.oudot@gmail.com>:

I would like to use the N-way mutlimaster mode and a virtual IP to
manage failover for applications. The virtual IP will be configured
trough keepalived.

I have exactly this configuration and I didn't have to do anything particular

ldap is started on each node with "slapd -h ldap://" and it works

you can also try to add
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1

in /etc/sysctl.conf to allow bind on non-existent(-yet) address



To work with N-way mutlimaster, we must start OpenLDAP process on the
LDAP URI defined in cn=config olcServerID parameter. So we can't use
ldap://* to start the service. On the machine running the virtual IP,
I can of course listen on this IP by adding an LDAP URI in the start
slapd -h ldap://master1.example.com ldap://virtual.example.com

But this command will not work it the virtual IP is not set on the
node as OpenLDAP refuses to start on an unknown IP.

Does anyone already face this issue and found a solution?


Jephté CLAIN | Développeur, Intégrateur d'applications
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