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--On Monday, December 05, 2005 2:47 AM +0530 Sachin Bhugra <bhugra.sachin@gmail.com> wrote:

PS: I read your other post also, in which you have written that in a
simulation you added 2000+ users. Can you please tell me how did you
add the users, is it done on 'one by one' basis or  is there any way
to add existing users in a group?

I am sorry, I am very new to LDAP so I cannot help you but can seek
your valuable advise...

I'm not quite sure what post you are referring to, but I've tested OpenLDAP with many different numbers of users, and my production servers at Stanford hold almost 400,000. I always use slapadd to bulk load my database, with the "-q" flag, since I know the structure of my data is correct.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITSS/Shared Services
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html