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Re: Another newbie question

This being the general mailing list, my answers are general.
If your questions are specific to a particular implementation
of LDAP, you should take your questions to a forum specific
to that implementation.  For OpenLDAP software, use the OpenLDAP
software mailing list.  http://www.openldap.org/lists/

At 03:21 PM 6/13/00 -0400, Bennett Samowich wrote:
>If I create a directory using one set of data (say... OC person) and then 
>need to modify it later (say... adding OC organizationalPerson) can I just 
>add the extra data to it?

Well, you're not suppose to change the structural object class
of an entry after instantiation.  However, many servers will
let you.  So, your mileage will vary.

>If I understand the documentation I should have 
>to turn the whole directory into ldiff format, change the 
>schema/class/whatever, then reset the directory.

Well, if the directory service disallows changes of structural
object class of an entry, it should allow you to delete and
recreate the entry using LDAP.

>I'm asking so that I know how much I can adapt the directory as time 
>progresses (e.g.  Manager asks can we put "this" in the directory?).