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Re: Building Netscape C LDAP SDK 3.0 on unix

> I'll second the motion that it's broken.  I read the build
> instuctions on the web page and it claims a 'Last Modified'
> date of May 31 (http://www.mozilla.org/directory/buildsdk.html)
> so perhaps something has changed since then.  I'm using the
> source in ldapsdk_19981123.tar.gz by the way.
>    I set/unset the environment variables specified, and got
> nowhere with the build.  Obviously there's more to the magic
> than just having GNU make.  Perhaps it is looking for something
> that only exists if you have the mozilla browser source installed?

It turns out that the unix version of the build isn't properly
converted to automake.  I'm told that the fixes should be done
and checked in in a few days; and that until then, the trick is
to use the CVS source and:

	cvs co DirectorySDKSourceC
	cvs co -D 11/15/98 DirectorySDKSourceBuild 
	cd mozilla
	gmake -f directory/ldapsdk.mk build
