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Re: Config questions for back-ldap, back-meta, and back-asyncmeta

--On Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:44 PM +0100 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:

For back-ldap:

idle-timeout -> The man page says takes an integer, but is defined as a
string.  However, I think the man page for this parameter is incorrect,
and in  fact it takes a possible string as defined in the
back-meta/async manual pages  for this same parameter. (I.e, it can have
a format of something like 1d15h5s)

I don't see this. The man page says "<time>". It looks correct to me.

Yeah, I think my eyes were glazing over at that point and I read "time" as "seconds". ;)

For back-ldap, back-meta, and back-asyncmeta:

network-timeout -> This takes an integer, but is defined as a string.
The  back-ldap, back-meta, and back-asyncmeta man pages says it uses the
same  format as idle-timeout, but the function that parses the value
does not agree  with assertion.  It appears to take only accept an

Looks to me like it uses lutil_parse_time, same as idle-timeout.
But in back-meta network-timeout is displayed as an integer, while
idle-timeout uses lutil_unparse_time. network-timeout probably should be
using unparse_time as well.

Fixed in my latest commit.

For back-meta and back-asyncmeta:

bind-timeout -> This is clearly described in the man page as a taking an
integer value, but it is defined as a string.  Any objection to me
changing it  to be an integer type?

Fixed in latest commit.

Please review (link at the end). The following illustrates the choices I made. The ones marked "DELETE" will be removed under a later ITS I need to file. I'm still unsure what to do with olcTLSCertificateKey since it uses a private OID for its SYNTAX which doesn't seem to have an associated equality matching rule.

---------------- servers/slapd/bconfig.c -----------------------
olcConfigFile -- Changed to case exact match
olcConfigDir -- Changed to case exact match
olcArgsFile -- Changed to case exact match
olcLogFile -- case exact match
olcModulePath -- case exact match
olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat -- case ignore match
olcPidFile -- case exact match
olcPluginLogFile -- case exact match
olcRootPw -- octetStringMatch
olcSaslAuxprops -- case ignore match
olcSaslHost -- case ignore match
olcSaslRealm -- case exact match
olcSaslSecProps -- case exact match
olcSizeLimit -- case exact match
olcSubordinate -- case exact match
olcTCPBuffer -- case exact match
olcTimeLimit -- case exact match
olcTLSCACertificateFile -- case exact match
olcTLSCACertificatePath -- case exact match
olcTLSCertificateFile -- case exact match
olcTLSCertificateKey -- ??? (Private SYNTAX OID) Shouldn't the SYNTAX be And use certificateExactMatch?
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile -- case exact match
olcTLSCipherSuite -- case exact match
olcTLSCRLCheck -- case exact match
olcTLSCRLFile -- case exact match
olcTLSRandFile -- case exact match
olcTLSVerifyClient -- case exact match (Shouldn't this be an enum, like olcMemberOfDangling ?)
olcTLSDHParamFile -- case exact match
olcTLSECName -- case exact match
olcTLSProtocolMin -- case exact match

---------------- BACKENDS -----------------------
--- back-asyncmeta
olcDbURI -- case exact match
olcDbStartTLS -- case exact match
olcDbACLPasswd -- DELETE
olcDbIDAssertBind -- case ignore match
olcDbTFSupport -- case ignore match
olcDbTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbIdleTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbNetworkTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbCancel -- case ignore match
olcDbQuarantine -- case ignore match
olcDbDefaultTarget -- case ignore match
olcDbDnCacheTtl -- case ignore match
olcDbBindTimeout -- integer match
olcDbOnErr -- case ignore match
olcDbNretries -- case ignore match
olcDbClientPr -- case ignore match
olcDbKeepalive -- case ignore match

--- back-bdb/hdb
olcDbCheckpoint -- case ignore match
olcDbCryptFile -- case exact match
olcDbCryptKey -- case exact match
olcDbConfig -- IA5 case ignore match
olcDbLockDetect -- case ignore match
olcDbMode -- case ignore match

--- back-ldap
olcDbURI -- case exact match
olcDbStartTLS -- case exact match
olcDbACLPasswd -- DELETE
olcDbACLBind -- case ignore match
olcDbIDAssertPasswd -- DELETE
olcDbIDAssertBind -- case ignore match
olcDbIDAssertMode -- DELETE
olcDbTFSupport -- case ignore match
olcDbTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbIdleTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbConnTtl -- case ignore match
olcDbNetworkTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbCancel -- case ignore match
olcDbQuarantine -- case ignore match
olcDbOnErr -- case ignore match
olcDbKeepalive -- case ignore match

--- back-mdb
olcDbDirectory -- Changed to case exact match
olcDbCheckpoint -- case ignore match
olcDbMode -- case ignore match

--- back-meta
olcDbURI -- case exact match
olcDbStartTLS -- case exact match
olcDbACLPasswd -- DELETE
olcDbIDAssertBind -- case ignore match
olcDbTFSupport -- case ignore match
olcDbTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbIdleTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbConnTtl -- case ignore match
olcDbNetworkTimeout -- case ignore match
olcDbCancel -- case ignore match
olcDbQuarantine -- case ignore match
olcDbDefaultTarget -- case ignore match
olcDbDnCacheTtl -- case ignore match
olcDbBindTimeout -- integer match
olcDbOnErr -- case ignore match
olcDbNretries -- case ignore match
olcDbClientPr -- case ignore match
olcDbKeepalive -- case ignore match

--- back-sql
olcDbHost -- case exact match
olcDbName -- case exact match
olcDbUser -- case exact match
olcDbPass -- case exact match
olcSqlConcatPattern -- case exact match
olcSqlSubtreeCond -- case exact match
olcSqlChildrenCond -- case exact match
olcSqlDnMatchCond-- case exact match
olcSqlOcQuery -- case exact match
olcSqlAtQuery -- case exact match
olcSqlInsEntryStmt -- case exact match
olcSqlUpperFunc -- case exact match
olcSqlStrcastFunc -- case exact match
olcSqlDelEntryStmt -- case exact match
olcSqlRenEntryStmt -- case exact match
olcSqlDelObjclassesStmt -- case exact match
olcSqlBaseObject -- case exact match
olcSqlLayer -- case exact match
olcSqlFetchAttrs -- case ignore match
olcSqlAliasingKeyword -- case exact match
olcSqlAliasingQuote -- case ignore match
olcSqlIdQuery -- case exact match

---------------- OVERLAYS -----------------------
--- accesslog.c
logpurge -- case ignore match
logold  -- case exact match

--- auditlog.c
olcAuditLogFile -- case exact match

--- autoca.c
olcACAuserClass -- case ignore match
olcACAserverClass -- case ignore match

--- dds.c
olcDDSmaxTtl -- case ignore match
olcDDSminTtl -- case ignore match
olcDDSdefaultTtl -- case ignore match
olcDDSinterval -- case ignore match
olcDDStolerance -- case ignore match

--- dyngroup.c
olcDGAttrPair -- case ignore match

--- memberof.c
olcMemberOfDangling -- case ignore match
olcMemberOfGroupOC -- case ignore match
olcMemberOfMemberAD -- case ignore match
olcMemberOfMemberOfAD -- case ignore match
olcMemberOfDanglingError -- case ignore match

--- pcache.c
olcProxyCache -- case ignore match
olcPcachePosition -- case ignore match
olcPcacheMaxQueries -- case ignore match

--- rwm.c
olcRwmTFSupport -- case ignore match

--- syncprov.c
olcSpCheckpoint -- case ignore match

--- translucent.c
olcTranslucentLocal -- case ignore match
olcTranslucentRemote -- case ignore match

---------------- CONTRIB -----------------------
--- adremap.c
olcADremapDowncase -- case ignore match
olcADremapDNmap -- case ignore match

--- autogroup.c
olcAGmemberOfAd -- case ignore match

--- smbk5pwd.c
olcSmbK5PwdEnable -- case ignore match



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: