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Re: [ldapext] nfsv4 vs the ldap consistency model

> Leif,
> may I insist in asking what do they need this feature for ?
> Simo.

They want to use LDAP as a volume location service for NFS (aka NSDB). 
LDAP would be used to keep track of location replicated copies of file-sets. 
The LDAP consistency model implies that a two clients could see different 
views of the filesystem depending on which LDAP replica the client was
looking at.

In AFS this function is implemented by something called VLDB which is 
backed by a distributed databased 'ubik'. By comparison ubiq uses a 
strict consistency model where if an update doesn't reach one of the
replicas further updates are forbidden until the replica is brought back
in sync with the others (this is called that the cell has lost quorom).
It could be that "federated nfsv4" doesn't actually need the type of 
consistency model that is needed by other distributed fs:en (eg AFS)
in which case this may be an unnecessary discussion... 

	Cheers Leif

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