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Re: RFC2251: RootDSE subschemasubentry issue

> As Thomas Salter has already pointed out, the subschema subentry
> associated with a given naming context can be found by reading the
> naming context entry. 

This is true.

>The root DSE already contains the set of naming
> contexts. Therefore the current model is not broken. 

. Not broken in that way, but it still is, in that a single valued attribute 
is required to hold multiple values

>Also, in the
> current model, a server may have several naming contexts referring to
> a single subschema subentry. This would not be possible if subschema
> subentries were assumed to be under the naming context.

I dealt with this one by saying that in this case the subschema 
subentry would be below the administrative point for the domain, if 
they are all in the same management domain (In fact this is the 
model the NHS are using in the UK).

Hope that helps




David Chadwick
IS Institute, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT
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Email D.W.Chadwick@salford.ac.uk
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