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Re: RFC2251: RootDSE subschemasubentry issue

> >Why would you have 2 subschemasubentries for 1 NC?
> Separate subschema administrative areas within the NC.
> [See Mark Wahl's comment]

I proposed solving this problem by having separate subschema 
subentries below each administrative point (ala X.500), then we still 
can retain single valued attributes. This is what I understood Mark 
was also proposing. Since the NC will probably be (but not 
necessarily) an administrative point anyway, then it will usually have 
a subschema subentry below it. For the few (rare?) cases where the 
NC is not an admin point (e.g. an orgs DIT is distributed across 2 
servers and thus 2 NCs, but both are controlled by the same 
subschema) X.500 proposes having one subentry beneath the 
upper NC, and this would be replicated into the subordinate server. 
LDAP servers could choose instead to hold a copy of this 
subschema subentry beneath the subordinate NC context prefix if 
you wished to, or you could go with the X.500 model).

I dont object to you also holding a pointer in the NC, holding the DN 
of the subschemasubentry directly beneath it, if you want to, 
although it only adds minor efficiency gains since the subentry is 
immediately subordinate to the NC context prefix entry anyway.




David Chadwick
IS Institute, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT
Tel +44 161 295 5351  Fax +44 161 745 8169
Mobile +44 790 167 0359
Email D.W.Chadwick@salford.ac.uk
Home Page  http://www.salford.ac.uk/its024/chadwick.htm
Understanding X.500  http://www.salford.ac.uk/its024/X500.htm
X.500/LDAP Seminars http://www.salford.ac.uk/its024/seminars.htm
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