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Semantics of LDAP Modify DN operation

What is the exact semantics of Modify DN operation?
Example, assume we have entry for the organization
named "foo", "o=foo, c=US", we do 
	ldapmodrdn "o=foo, c=US" "o=bar"
Then what is the consequence of the operation--what happened
to all the children of the "o=foo,c=US"?

I can see 4 possibilities:
1) all got renamed to "cn=employee, o=bar, c=US"
2) all become orphans--don't know who the parent is, but
may not may not still be searchable
3) all become grandparent's childrent
4) all got removed

I know in LDAPv3 this has been made clear with subtree renaming.
But let's say the Modify DN request does not have the optional
newSuperior field--therefore, it's LDAPv2, then what should
we interpret the consequence. There must have been discussions
about this when LDAPv3 came up.

