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protocol/syntaxes: substrings

[Syntaxes] 4.1 has this text, and [Protocol] 4.5.1 a similar text:

>   Note that the AssertionValue in a SubstringFilter
>   [PROT] MUST conform to the assertion syntax of the equality matching
>   rule for the attribute type rather than the assertion syntax of the
>   substrings matching rule for the attribute type.  The entire
>   SubstringFilter is converted into an assertion value of the
>   substrings matching rule prior to applying the rule.

What is that MUST doing there?  The match should simply evaluate to
undefined if the MUST is violated.  It shouldn't cause the search
operation to fail, which I think it what "MUST" means.

Also, it seems silly for the client to convert a textual filter to a
SubstringFilter only to have the server convert it back, so I suggest
the text says that 'Conceptually, the entire SubstringFilter is

How is the filter (:numericStringSubstringsMatch:=1*2) applied?  It's
only applied to attributes with the appropriate syntax, but the
'appropriate syntax' is derived from the attribute, so that doesn't
work...  One can limit it to attributes in the Matching Rule Use for the
substrings matching rule, but [Models] 7.1 says that functionality
associated with such schema information as Matching Rule Uses need not
be supported.  With no Matching Rule Uses, is the filter applied to all
user attributes in an entry?

Finally, a few typos:

'the AssertionValue in a SubstringFilter' should be
'the AssertionValues' or 'each AssertionValue'.

'an assertion value of the substrings matching rule' doesn't make much
sense to me.  It doesn't say which syntax the result has.  Should it be
something like 'an assertion value of the assertion syntax of the
substrings matching rule (typically Substring Assertion)'?
