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Re: [Syntaxes] Century overflow in Generalized Time

Generalized time uses a 4-digit year (YYYYMMDD...) .  Wrap-around won't
occur until date reach the year 10000 (another 7997 years to go).

Do you still have a question in that light?

John  McMeeking

                      Hallvard B Furuseth                                                                                    
                      <h.b.furuseth@usit.u        To:       ietf-ldapbis@OpenLDAP.org                                        
                      io.no>                      cc:                                                                        
                      Sent by:                    Subject:  [Syntaxes] Century overflow in Generalized Time                  
                      06/17/2003 07:19 AM                                                                                    

How is century overflow/underflow in Generalized Time handled?
That is,
- does generalizedTimeMatch say 9999123120-08 = 0000010104Z?
- how does generalizedTimeOrderingMatch order 9999123120-08
  vs. 2000010100Z?

I suggest to leave it implementation-defined as long as the two matching
rules are consistent, and maybe allow (but not require) such dates to be

But if the draft does specify a rule, I think the rule should be silent
wraparound (i.e. century 0 = -100 = +100), since these centuries would
all look the same when expressed as a Generalized Time date.
