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Initial "strawman" I-Ds revising LDAPv3

I put forth the following simple proposal for producing
initial I-Ds detailling LDAPv3 revised specification.
These initial I-Ds would fulfill our November 2000 milestone
and, more importantly, provide a basis for discuss at

I suggest that for each RFC which comprises the LDAPv3
"core" technical specification (RFC2251-56, RFC2829-31)
that an I-D be produced which provides a "strawman"
revision for that technical specification.

For each specification, the Document Editor would be
primarily responsible for determine what changes to propose.
The editor should use this list, archives of various mail
lists, and their own best judgement to produce the
initial I-D.  A 'Call for Document Editors' would be
issued and initial editors selected per IETF WG guidelines
and tradition.

The general guidance, in accordance with our proposed charter
and IETF#48 discussions, given to Document Editors would be:
  a) don't add any new features
  b) obsolete LDAPv2
  c) cut or absorb dependent LDAP/X.500 technical
  specifications which described in "core" documents

After each I-D is submitted as individual submissions (we
don't have a working group yet), the worthiness for the
proposal should be discussed.   Based upon consensus of
this list, the I-D would either be accepted as the basis
for further work or rejected.

Then, at IETF#49, we can discuss how best to proceed.

I solicit your comments on this proposal.