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Re: chaining for a single backend?

--On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 9:53 AM +0100 Marc Patermann <hans.moser@ofd-z.niedersachsen.de> wrote:

Am 08.02.2016 um 22:33 Uhr schrieb Quanah Gibson-Mount:
--On Monday, February 08, 2016 4:50 PM +0100 Marc Patermann
<hans.moser@ofd-z.niedersachsen.de> wrote:
Am 30.12.2015 um 11:49 Uhr schrieb Marc Patermann:
I want to activate chaining for a single backend.

The server is a replication consumer and has a few glued database
backends. Only one is containing linux accounts with ppolicy overlay.
This should use chaining to replicate the ppolicy changes which
otherwise stay local.

Can this be achieved?
I would like to come back to this.

Here is our example with multiple glued databases and chaining.
First there is the "full chain" where chain is loaded globally and
should work for all database backends. This works.

Then there is the example where chain is loaded in the linux database
backend. This does not chain the request to the master.

OpenLDAP version?
last tested with 2.4.43

Ok. On the surface it looks right to me, but I've never used slapo-chain. I hope someone who has more knowledge on it can chime in. :/



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
A division of Synacor, Inc