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2.4.40 RPMs for openSUSE


After some struggle and help by some opensuse-packaging list members (thanks!)
I achieved almost what I wanted.

I'd appreciate if someone could work on SLES support.

Build status and files:


If you're using the openldap packages shipped with openSUSE make sure to read
the .changes files to see whether something could break your current setup.

Up to now I've tested openSUSE 13.2 and Factory on x86_64 and Factory_ARM on
rasperry pi. Note: openSUSE 12.3 was announced to be EOL so I've disabled the
repo in my home project. I can easily re-enable it if needed (or branch my
repo in your own home project).

The usual disclaimer: Don't play with it in production!

The download repos are here:


Make yourself familiar with zypper commands.

Example: Add the repo in openSUSE 13.1 (command in one line):

zypper addrepo --refresh

Please test. Your feedback is appreciated. Especially have a look at whether
the RPMs behave well regarding config files, package descriptions etc.

There's a new package openldap2-contrib with a selection of overlays from, you
might have guessed, the contrib/ source directory.

slapo-noopsrch is still missing because of


Since web2ldap makes heavy use of noop search control I'd be glad if someone
could look into ITS#7998. ;-)

Ciao, Michael.

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