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Re: Invalid DN errors

On 11/26/2014 3:59 PM, Michael Ströder wrote:
Nick Bright wrote:
On 11/26/2014 12:00 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:24 AM -0600 Nick Bright
<nick.bright@valnet.net> wrote:

The application is attempting to create entries with these attributes:

Primary Key: x500UniqueIdentifier
Attributes: cn, uid, sn, givenname, userPassword, dn, x500UniqueIdentifier

I would appreciate some basic guidance as to what to do, or some
direction to the proper documentation or guide for solving "invalid DN"
while attempting to add entries to the directory.
Interesting... I've never seen any one try to use x500UniqueIdentifier as a
DN component before.
It's the unique id for the source system that's syndicating data to the
directory, I've used this configuration before; but it was with "centos-ds".
Is "cent-os" the "389-ds"? This directory server has IIRC a less strict schema
checking, especially regarding DNs.
My previous LDAP integration was with centos-ds (on CentOS 5), which appears to have been replaced by 389-ds. I did have to disable strict schema checking on that implementation.

Thank you for your replies and help, I have determined that as I had a suspected, there was a missing schema of "mailrecipient", and I've been able to successfully add entries after removing that objectclass from my submitting application, in addition I did need to switch the schema profile on my 3rd party application which was attempting to submit data into the directory from "iplanet" to "nis", which uses uid as the primary key.

I appreciate your patience with my lack of clue on the matter ;)

-  Nick Bright                                -
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