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Re: Slapd permission issues

On 13-09-27 12:35 PM, Gary Slopsema wrote:
> I'm having an issue running slapd with a custom config "slapd.conf"
> that's not located at /etc/ldap/slapd.conf.

I guess AppArmor is blocking you. If I'm right, dmesg(1) will show some
audit messages that confirm it. Look at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd
for the rules it follows.

The correct fix is to create a local addition to the AppArmor profile
(check the documentation) that adds the paths your slapd should be
allowed to access.

You could work around AppArmor, either by copying or hard-linking
/usr/sbin/slapd somewhere else and running it from there, or by
disabling the profile using aa-complain(8). Don't do either of those on
a system that handles untrusted data, of course.

If you run your own openldap build (as many people on this list will
recommend), it won't use AppArmor and you won't have this problem.

Hope that helps!

Ryan Tandy - Programmer/Analyst           rtandy@sd63.bc.ca
School District 63 (Saanich)                +1 250 652 7385

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