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Re: Error while using relay

Since these are under "database relay" they only apply to requests via
back-relay.  Put them where they affect bdb: either global or under bdb.

Note that you need access rules both for access via DNs ending with
relay's suffix and for DNs ending with bdb's suffix.  I haven't checked
which rules apply when, but the slapd-relay manpage talks about it.

I did  these things that error solved.

moduleload /usr/lib/ldap/back_bdb.so
database    bdb
suffix      "dc=example,dc=com"
rootdn      "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
password-hash {SSHA}
directory   /var/lib/ldap
index   objectClass eq

access to attrs="..........."
cachesize 1500
sizelimit 1500

moduleload /usr/lib/ldap/back_relay.so
database    relay
suffix      "dc=play,dc=com
relay       "dc=example,dc=com"
rootdn      "uid=test,dc=example,dc=com"
password-hash {SSHA}

access to attrs="............"
sizelimit 1500

slapd is running perfectly. Now problem is that I want to add some entries in 'relay database'.

I tried to add some entries in relay database using this command.
   slapadd  -b "dc=play,dc=com" -l ldap_relay.ldif  -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

But, it's give me error.
   slapadd: database doesn't support necessary operations.

Venish Khant