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Re: dynamic groups

Pierangelo Masarati wrote: 
> It is not clear from your description whether you plan to simply replace 
> dynamic grouping (dynamically listing member DNs within a dynamic group 
> entry) or dynamically listing any type of attribute.  The dynlist 
> overlay right now does both, but I think the feature you're considering 
> only makes sense for the first case.

I mean the first case, as in holding the member DNs in the group's
member attribute, dynamically updating it.

> I suggest that for the duration of the development you branch your 
> overlay into something other than dynlist (call it rdynlist, for really 
> dynamic list?).  When you get to something stable and performing better 
> than dynlist (with "better" I don't barely mean performances, but also 
> functionality, in your case including consistency), we could decide 
> whether to move it back to dynlist or leave it alone and, in case, drop 
> dynlist itself.

That might be a good idea, because while dynlist and what I'm planning
to write do similar things, the code path differs significantly. 

MichaÅ SzulczyÅski
    Altkom Akademia S.A. http://www.altkom.pl
    Warszawa, ul. ChÅodna 51

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