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Antw: Re: Shared memory error after reboot

>>> Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@symas.com> schrieb am 16.01.2019 um 19:03 in
Nachricht <9C84644093A248A4CD6F4653@[]>:
> ‑‑On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 5:37 PM +0000 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> 
> wrote:
>> Must point out ‑ this is not a fatal error, otherwise slapd would not
>> have continued startup. The backend inits a new shared memory region and
>> just starts up as normal, there's no reason to take any special action
>> here.
> Hm, back when I used back‑hdb + SHM, I have to say I didn't run into this 
> issue with OpenLDAP unless something had cleared the shared memory region 
> (i.e., it persisted across restarts of slapd).
> So while back‑hdb is clearly recovering, there still seems to me to be an 
> issue here in that short of a server reboot, the SHM segment should remain 
> unaffected.

AFAIR, those memory files (e.g. __db.001) were needed especially for
recovering BDB, that is when the database wasn't shut down cleanly. There seem
to be two problems then:
1) Unclean shutdown of the database
2) memory files vanishing

Maybe even 1) is caused by 2)...


> ‑‑Quanah
> ‑‑
> Quanah Gibson‑Mount
> Product Architect
> Symas Corporation
> Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:
> <http://www.symas.com>