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Re: How to import user certificates in OpenLDAP?

Vaclav Barta wrote:

Sounds like your Windows build of OpenLDAP is broken. Your LDIF works fine on my Linux box.

On 7/15/2015 4:55 PM, Howard Chu wrote:
Vaclav Barta wrote:
It fails:

C:\OpenLDAP\ClientTools>ldapmodify.exe -a -x -h localhost -p 389 -D
dc=maxcrc,dc=com" -f c:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata\user.ldif -w secret
ldap_connect_to_host: TCP localhost:389
ldap_new_socket: 636
ldap_prepare_socket: 636
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying ::1 389
ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 636 tm: -1 async: 0
attempting to connect:
connect success
adding new entry "cn=Vaclav Barta,ou=people,dc=maxcrc,dc=com"
ldap_add: Undefined attribute type (17)
         additional info: usercertificate: requires ;binary transfer

Obviously the problem is on the usercertificate line of user.ldif, but how
exactly should I write it?


usercertificate;binary:< file:///blahblahblah

Also fails:
C:\OpenLDAP\ClientTools>ldapmodify.exe -a -x -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=manager,
dc=maxcrc,dc=com" -f c:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata\user.ldif -w secret
ldap_connect_to_host: TCP localhost:389
ldap_new_socket: 612
ldap_prepare_socket: 612
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying ::1 389
ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 612 tm: -1 async: 0
attempting to connect:
connect success
ldapmodify: invalid format (line 11) entry: "cn=Vaclav Barta,ou=people,dc=maxcrc

And the problem is not on line 11 of user.ldif - when I remove the
usercertificate line, ldapmodify succeeds.


  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/