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Antw: Re: export directory in LDIF format

>>> Jerry <jerry@seibercom.net> schrieb am 11.11.2014 um 13:46 in Nachricht
> This is the actual code I am using in CRON:
> nice /usr/local/sbin/slapcat -f /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf -b 
> "dc=MyDomain,dc=net"  -l usr/home/gerard/LDAP_Backup/MyDomain.net.ldif
> Originally, I had created a Bash script and had CRON call that script; 
> however, when things were not working as planned, I thought that might be the 
> problem. However, it does not appear to be so.

How about this: Go back to your script for repeatable results. Then try to run your script in batch (so you get results soon). If it does not work, try to run "id;sh -x your_script". You you slapcat as ldap user, and does ldap user have write permissions on the target file?

> Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Remember, this only happens when 
> there has been several hours of inactivity; otherwise it works fine.

(I doubt that) Are there any syslog messages that indicate problems with the database? If so you might have a memory problem (not so uncommon with recent RAM sizes and the bugs in Intel CPUs).
