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Re: What is the replacement for /etc/ldap.conf?

Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1421998
> The above link mentioned the following code. But /etc/ldap.conf is
> not available on ubuntu 13.10. Does anybody know what I should do
> instead? Thanks.
> sudo echo "index    sudoUser    eq" >> /etc/ldap.conf
That is nonsens. Dont do this. Dont follow these guide.

Read the original documentation which comes with your slapd package and 
the doc on http://www.openldap.org/

"index    sudoUser    eq"
this configures an index in an openldap database. Thus this statement 
works only in slapd.conf and never in ldap.conf. ldap.conf is for client 
apps like ldap* and not for server apps like slap*.


Harry Jede