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Re: Works with ldapsearch, but can't get it to work with ldap_search_ext_s()

On 08/03/2014, at 18:31, Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:

> Werner - Google wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   After doing some more research and lot's of tcpdumping, i got some more
>> info, but still don't  know how to solve my problem.
>>  As i mentioned, i'm doing the search agains an Active Directory service. I
>> do the serch with the code showed above, and with the tcpdump's i seems to
>> show that when i do it with ldap_search_ext_s(), i get after the found item, a
>> list of referals, like:
>> dap://ForestDnsZones.example.dc/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=example,DC=dc
>> ldap://DomainDnsZones.example.dc/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=example,DC=dc
>> ldap://example.dc/CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=dc
>> and ldap_search_ext_s() tries to follow those referrals. On this attempt it
>> tries the bind without the credentials, and than i get rejected by the server
>> of sometimes i'm even unable to reach the mentioned server.
>> I've tried adding to my test code,
>> int referals = LDAP_OPT_OFF;
>> /* before the init */
>> ldap_set_option( NULL, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, &referals);
>> as it seems to have no effect, i still get my test code trying to 'follow' the
>> referals, i did try also put it as:
>> /* after the ldap_init , using the returned LDAP* */
>> ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, &referals);
>> but still  no effect.
> Sounds like you're not using OpenLDAP's libldap. What version of LDAP library are you actually using?
I'm sorry, forgot to include the information..

I'm running it on a ubuntu 13.10 with openldap version:

$ slapd -V
@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd  (Ubuntu) (Oct  8 2013 20:51:43) $

$ ldapsearch -VV
ldapsearch: @(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch  (Ubuntu) (Oct  8 2013 20:50:56) $
	(LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20431)

I've also tried/tested on a mac osx mountain lion, openldap version:
dap $ldapsearch -VV
ldapsearch: @(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch 2.4.28 (Jul  4 2013 21:48:28) $
	(LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20428)

Both the same result (at least up to where i can see/follow).

Are i'm understanding it wrong that after setting LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS to OFF, ldap_search_ext_s() should NOT try follow the referrals?


>> And doing the same tcpdumping and running ldapsearch -d ... , it appears that
>> ldapsearch, using the same search parameters as my test code, does NOT try to
>> follow the referrals, even getting them back from the server the same as my
>> test code.
>> As additional info, the wireshark summary of the search return packet is
>> something like:
>> No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol
>> Length Info
>>      97 4.810369000         LDAP     405
>>  searchResEntry(2) "CN=Alonso.Vega,OU=Users,OU=Country,DC=example,DC=dc"  |
>> searchResDone(2) Unknown result(9) (Referral:
>> dap://ForestDnsZones.example.dc/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=example,DC=dc
>> ldap://DomainDnsZones.example.dc/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=example,DC=dc
>> ldap://example.dc/CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=dc)  [1 result]
>> Any suggestion/help very appreciated on how i could avoid that the search
>> tries to follow the referrals?
> Copy the code that the ldapsearch tool uses. You're using obsolete APIs in your code.

I'm looking into the code of the mod_ldap (from the proftpd software) to use the asynchronous methodology, but found it will be a little more challenging for my little "c" and openldap knowledge. 

but if i don't find a way of avoiding that the synchronous functions (mostly search_ext_s() ) do NOT try follow the referrals, i'll have to try rewriting the code.

>> thx
>> -werner
> -- 
>  -- Howard Chu
>  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
>  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
>  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/