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Re: Trouble with delta-syncrepl MMR: delta-sync lost sync on X, switching to REFRESH

--On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:14 AM +0100 Patrick Lists <openldap-list@puzzled.xs4all.nl> wrote:


I'm trying to create a 2-node delta-syncrepl Multi-Master setup with the
help of the Admin Guide, man pages and
tests/scripts/test063-delta-multimaster. I see the following problem
repeat on the "slave" master aka ldap02 which initially syncs with ldap01
aka the "primary" master:

Why do you have your cn=config db reading from the same accesslog for replication as your primary DB?

If you are going to set up cn=config AND your primary db both as delta-syncrepl, you're going to need 2 different accesslog DBs.

I would also note your cn=config DB is completely missing the accesslog overlay.

Personally, I've never done replicated cn=config, with or without delta-syncrepl. I would focus on just getting replication to work for your primary DB first.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Architect - Server
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration