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Re: ldap SQL backend and syncrepl

Frederic Bouy wrote:

For performance issues (millions or records) I have two ldap servers:
- one master with an sql backend (postgres) to allow easy data manipulation
- one slave to anwer ldap queries and provide good response time

When lauching the slave ("./slapd -f
/usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd-front.conf -h "ldap://localhost:3890";
-d 1") I got a first non blocking error I don't really understand:
" => bdb_dn2id("dc=lnp")
<= bdb_dn2id: get failed: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found

According to the fact that the following command is successfull:
"ldapwhoami -H "ldap://localhost:389"; -D "cn=manager,dc=lnp" -w secret"

and then the synchronization fails with this error:
"read1msg: ld 0x9ca73e8 msgid 2 message type search-entry
ber_scanf fmt ({xx) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({a) ber:
ber_scanf fmt (o) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({em) ber:
do_syncrep2: rid=001 got empty syncUUID with LDAP_SYNC_ADD
connection_get(11): got connid=0
ldap_free_request (origid 2, msgid 2)
ldap_free_connection 1 1
ber_flush2: 7 bytes to sd 11
ldap_free_connection: actually freed
do_syncrepl: rid=001 quitting"

Do you know whether suncrepl is support for ldap with sql backend?

No it's not.

Do you know where can I find some documentation on this?

There isn't any.

Do you have any clue on how I could solve my issues?

Thanks in advance.
Please find below the .conf of those two ldap servers:

# === MASTER =====
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/lnp.schema

pidfile         /usr/local/openldap/var/slapd-lnp.pid
argsfile        /usr/local/openldap/var/slapd-lnp.args

backend         sql

# sql database definitions

database        sql
suffix          "dc=lnp"
rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=lnp"
rootpw          secret
dbname          lnp
dbuser          lnp
dbpasswd        lnp
strcast_func    "text"
#subtree_cond "ldap.entries.dn like '%'||?"
concat_pattern  "?||?"
has_ldapinfo_dn_ru      no

overlay syncprov
syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
syncprov-sessionlog 100

Not supposed to work since syncrepl is not supported. Back-sql may claim it supports syncrepl provisioning because there is some experimental support, but it is known to be broken.

lastmod on

# === MASTER =====
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/lnp.schema

pidfile         /usr/local/openldap/var/run/slapd-front.pid
argsfile        /usr/local/openldap/var/run/slapd-front.args

# BDB database definitions

database        bdb
suffix          "dc=lnp"
rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=lnp"
rootpw          secret
directory       /usr/local/openldap/var/openldap-data

# index entryCSN,entryUUID eq
index entryUUID eq

# filter="(objectClass=*)"

syncrepl rid=001

mirrormode on
serverID 1

You shouldn't enable mirror mode unless you know what you're doing. In this case you shouldn't enable it since syncrepl is not supported by the other peer. Moreover the two peers are not symmetrical (back-sql and back-bdb do not have the same capabilities, and the two configurations are not identical).


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
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Office:  +39 02 23998309
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Email:   ando@sys-net.it