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Re: A Few Newbie Questions...

Ted Johnson <whatawonderfulworldweliveintoo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Hi;
> I've just read the documentation twice and still have a few questions that
> should be relatively easy to answer:

What documentation are you referring to?

> The following should be put in DB_CONFIG, but where is that file??
>     olcDbConfig: set_cachesize 0 10485760 0
>     olcDbConfig: set_lg_bsize 2097512
>     olcDbConfig: set_lg_dir /var/tmp/bdb-log
>     olcDbConfig: set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE

The DB_CONFIG file has to be placed into the database directory, most
likely /var/lib/openldap-data. But as your example shows an entry for
the cn=config database, it is most likely that you will find an
appropriate entry in etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/

> What do these attibutes mean, how are they applicable and why would I want to
> index them? I understand SQL notation. Could someone give me a similar
> example?

This are configuration parameters for the underlying BerkeleyDB
Database Management System

>     pres (present),eq (equality),approx (approximate),sub (substring)
> This line causes an equality index for the objectClass attribute type, but
> what does that mean? Can you give me an example?
>     index objectClass eq

You may search entries in your database either by presenting a
equality string, i.e. "cn=Babs Jensen"
or you may present a subsring only i.e. "cn=Babs J*"
In order to speed up searches, special databases of indexed attributes
are created. You will probably find a objectclass.bdb and cn.bdb file
in yyour database directory.

> Why does one define this:
>         dn: cn="example"
>     and later in the same entry define this:
>         cn=example

Don't know what documentation you are reffering to.

> Can one preface non-Standard Track names with numbers or number/letter
> combinations?

What is a non-Standard Track name?


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung