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errant SASL/GSSAPI setup?

I've been using rootdn passwords over TLS with slurpd and since switching to
syncrepl.  Seeing a posting by Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@stanford.edu> some
weeks ago about k5start and KRB5CCNAME, I was inspired to try to make the

I grabbed kstart-3.5 and installed it and installed a sasl-regexp in the LDAP

sasl-regexp uid=ldap-manager/.*,cn=WPI.EDU,cn=gssapi,cn=auth ldap:///ou=access,dc=WPI,dc=EDU??one?(cn=manager)

On the client, I tried starting k5start and slapd and an update works ok.  I
set a short ticket life and renewal time in this test:

# setenv KRB5CCNAME "FILE:/tmp/ldap-manager.slapd.tkt"
# k5start -f /var/openldap-manager -k /tmp/ldap-manager.slapd.tkt -K 4 -l 5m -U -b
# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/ldap-manager.slapd.tkt
Default principal: ldap-manager/seethe.wpi.edu@WPI.EDU

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
08/30/06 09:21:07  08/30/06 09:26:07  krbtgt/WPI.EDU@WPI.EDU
# /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d 16384 -f /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.seethe.conf
@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.25 (Aug  9 2006 11:19:23) $
slapd starting
request done: ld 0x8b1e20 msgid 1
request done: ld 0x8b1e20 msgid 2
request done: ld 0x8b1e20 msgid 3
request done: ld 0x8b1e20 msgid 4
request done: ld 0x8b1e20 msgid 5
<= bdb_equality_candidates: (entryUUID) index_param failed (18)
syncrepl_entry: be_search (0)
syncrepl_entry: wpieduPersonUUID=2af586df6800b3389cbe7bcbf2a920df,ou=People,dc=WPI,dc=EDU
syncrepl_entry: be_modify (0)

<= bdb_equality_candidates: (entryUUID) index_param failed (18)
syncrepl_entry: be_search (0)
syncrepl_entry: wpieduPersonUUID=2af586df6800b3389cbe7bcbf2a920df,ou=People,dc=WPI,dc=EDU
syncrepl_entry: be_modify (0)

# bg
[1]    /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d 16384 -f /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.seethe.conf &
# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/ldap-manager.slapd.tkt
Default principal: ldap-manager/seethe.wpi.edu@WPI.EDU

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
08/30/06 09:21:07  08/30/06 09:26:07  krbtgt/WPI.EDU@WPI.EDU
08/30/06 09:21:38  08/30/06 09:26:07  ldap/utility5.wpi.edu@WPI.EDU

So far, everything looks good.  An update went through and the ldap ticket was
established.  However, after the ticket expires, a subsequent update does not
take place and a new ldap ticket isn't obtained.

I'm using this syncrepl setup in the client.

syncrepl	rid=1 provider=ldap://utility5.wpi.edu type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +"
		searchbase="dc=WPI,dc=EDU" scope=sub starttls=yes bindmethod=sasl

I had chosen refreshAndPersist since I would like the slave to be updated
quickly after the master.  I had used that with bindmethod=simple since
switching from slurpd updates.

Stopping slapd, I see a sasl error which, I guess, is indicative of the
expiration problem:

# fg
/usr/local/libexec/slapd -d 16384 -f /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.seethe.conf
daemon: shutdown requested and initiated.
slapd shutdown: waiting for 1 threads to terminate
sb_sasl_write: failed to encode packet: generic failure
slapd stopped.

Changing the syncrepl setup to be:

syncrepl	rid=1 provider=ldap://utility5.wpi.edu type=refreshOnly interval=0:0:0:5 retry="60 +"
		searchbase="dc=WPI,dc=EDU" scope=sub starttls=yes bindmethod=sasl

it seems to work, since new connections are made.

Do I need to give up on the "instant" updates which I had enjoyed for years
with slurpd and recently with syncrepl refreshAndPersist in order to use
SASL/GSSAPI, or am I missing something?

Setting up encryption, authentication, etc. at such a short-interval seems like
high overhead.  I'd like normal updates to be even quicker than 5 seconds,
also; they always have been.

I noticed in making this log that this particular slave is 2.3.25, not 2.3.27
like the master, but I have production 2.3.27 slave/master that shows the same

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.