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Re: Slapd stops working after a NOT graceful shutdown

Personally, I'm *glad* OpenLDAP doesn't want to work with a corrupted database.

Here are two possible solutions to your problem:

   1) Every time you modify your LDAP database, make a fresh backup, and build 
a new fresh database from the most recent backup every time you boot up.  This 
will increase your bootup time and won't address any other problems.

   2) Buy an uninteruptible power supply.  This will solve other problems you 
haven't noticed yet.  *nix software is not designed to survive powerfails.

Note, your hardware will eventually burn up from voltage spikes caused by power 
failures if you don't get some kind of power conditioning.  So if you think an 
UPS is too expensive, you are probably fooling yourself!

If you have more questions about recovering corrupted databases you need to ask 
the vendors of your database (Red Hat or more likely Sleepycat).  Your OpenLDAP 
software appears to be working correctly.


On 9 Feb 2004 at 18:24, Walter Vendraminetto wrote:

Date sent:      	Mon, 9 Feb 2004 18:24:02 +0100 (ora solare Europa occidentale)
From:           	"Walter Vendraminetto" <lists@zonatex.net>
To:             	"OpenLDAP List" <openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org>
Subject:        	Slapd stops working after a NOT graceful shutdown
Priority:       	non-urgent

> I'd like to solve a problem which I faced few months ago.
> When the server (RH 7.3) is shut down because of power black-out (UPS not
> working properly) or brutal reset the LDAP service does not work anymore. I
> have to slapcat the database and rebuild it to make the service work again.
> Even if it does not happen often (last time this morning) I want to fix it.
> I think it's a matter concerning the back-end configuration but I'm in
> trouble on how to proceed: the only option set in the DB_CONFIG is the 
> set_cachesize'.
> How can I debug it ? I saved the 'corrupted' DB files ... 
> thank you very much
> Walter Vendraminetto - Research Consultant
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