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Re: Trouble using the migration tools from PADL


Stéphane Cesbron <stephane.cesbron@nantes.inserm.fr> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the MigrationTools and I'm getting into trouble. I
> have around a 1000 acounts to migrate.
> I'm using the latest stable version of Openldap.
> Here's an extract of slapd.conf :
> database ldbm
> suffix "dc=sante,dc=univ,dc=fr"
> rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=sante,dc=univ,dc=fr"
> rootpw xxx
> directory /var/lib/ldap/xxx
> index objectClass,uid,uidNumber,gidNumber,memberUid             eq
> index cn,mail,surname,givenname                         eq, subinitial
> when using migrate_all_offline.sh
> I'm getting this error message :
> slapadd : database(dc=sante,dc=univ,dc=fr) not configured to hold
> dn="dc=univ,dc=fr" (line=5)
> **Note : in the error message, the notified dn is not the same as the
> dn configured in slapd.conf
> what does it mean ? what should I do to solve the problem ? How can I
> configure slapadd ?

Check your 'migrate_all_offline.sh' for correct suffix.

Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
Tel:040.64861967 | Fax: 040.64891521
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