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Re: prb: Wildcards getting quoted with Java/JNDI


Am Die, 2003-02-04 um 07.40 schrieb Bryan Field-Elliot:
> My Java/JNDI application, when issuing wildcard queries, appears to be
> having the wildcard character ("*") quoted by the time it reaches the
> OpenLDAP server.
> For example, if my JNDI application calls:
> ctx.search("", "myAttr=jon*doe");
> Then the backend processes the query as if it here:
> conn=5 op=1 SRCH base="ou=People,dc=netmeme" scope=1
> filter="(&(myAttr=jon\2Adoe))"
> The asterisk being quoted into "\2A". I can see this by running OpenLDAP
> from my console with debugging turned on.
> If anyone has seen this before and knows how to fix it, I'd appreciate
> it. 

The hex value of an asci (*) astrix is 2A, according to rfc2396 your
search string is correct. 
Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
Tel:040.64861967 | Fax: 040.64891521
mailto: dkluenter@schevolution.com