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A Beginer Question .. HELP!

 Hey Guy's! :))
 it's ok .. :)
 i try to configuring the slapd.conf and the ldap.conf how is writed in
 the documentation.
 when the linux boot up the ldap start successful.
 Starting ldap:                   [OK]
 Starting slapd:                  [OK]
 after i login whit root and i try to restart ldap i receive this:
 stoping slapd: /etc/init.d/ldap: kill: (2056) - No such process
  /etc/init.d/ldap: kill: (2054) - No such process
  /etc/init.d/ldap: kill: (2053) - No such process
  /etc/init.d/ldap: kill: (2049) - No such process
 and if i try to start it manual 
 service ldap start
Starting slapd:   [FAILED]
 i attache the config files mabey someone help me :))

Attachment: ldap.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: slapd.conf
Description: Binary data