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Adding aliases in SSL/TLS certificate (Was: ldapsearch TLS error)

>>>>> "Howard" == Howard Chu <hyc@highlandsun.com> writes:

    Howard> The  hostname specified  by the  ldap client  must exactly
    Howard> match the  hostname in  the server's certificate.  You can
    Howard> add aliases (with  wildcards) in a cert for  a server that
    Howard> is multi-homed or other reasons, but one of the names must
    Howard> match the name that the client used.

How exactly is this done? Is it possible to say

        Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:egeria.bayour.com, somename.otherdomain, localhost

when creating the certificate?

http://www.bayour.com/LDAPv3-HOWTO.html#3.1.4.Creating SSL certificate|outline