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Problems (bug?) with search requests

Below is a snippet of trace log. Anybody knows where from comes that OR part (beetween marks) making ldap search ALL the database instead of inspecting single entry?
The same filter string was working fine with OpenLDAP-1.2.13.
conn=0 op=1 SRCH base="o=Users,o=someorg" scope=2 filter="(uid=someuser)"
        => ldbm_back_search
        dn2entry_r: dn: "O=USERS,O=UMC"
                => dn2id( "O=USERS,O=UMC" )
                        => ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/opt/openldap-2.0.22/umc/db/dn2id.dbb", 514, 600 )
                        <= ldbm_cache_open (cache 0)
                <= dn2id 2
                => id2entry_r( 2 )
                        => ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/opt/openldap-2.0.22/umc/db/id2entry.dbb", 514, 600 )
                        <= ldbm_cache_open (cache 1)
                        => str2entry
                        <= str2entry(o=Users,o=UMC) -> -1 (0x140077310)
                <= id2entry_r( 2 ) 0x140077310 (disk)
        search_candidates: base="O=USERS,O=SOMEORG" s=2 d=0
                => filter_candidates
                        => list_candidates 0xa0
                                => filter_candidates
                                        DN SUBTREE
                                        => dn2idl( "@O=USERS,O=SOMEORG" )
                                                => ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/opt/openldap-2.0.22/umc/db/dn2id.dbb", 514, 600 )
                                                <= ldbm_cache_open (cache 0)
                                        <= idl_fetch 9143 ids (9143 max)
                                <= filter_candidates 9143
                                => filter_candidates
                                        => list_candidates 0xa1
                                                => filter_candidates
                                                        => equality_candidates
                                                                => ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/opt/openldap-2.0.22/umc/db/nextid.dbb", 514, 600 )
                                                                ldbm_cache_open (blksize 8192) (maxids 1022) (maxindirect 9)
                                                                <= ldbm_cache_open (opened 2)
                                                        <= equality_candidates: index_param returned=18
                                                <= filter_candidates 9185
Mark---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                => filter_candidates
                                                        => equality_candidates
                                                                => ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/opt/openldap-2.0.22/umc/db/uid.dbb", 514, 600 )
                                                                ldbm_cache_open (blksize 8192) (maxids 1022) (maxindirect 9)
                                                                <= ldbm_cache_open (opened 3)
                                                                => key_read
                                                                <= index_read 1 candidates
                                                        <= equality_candidates 1
                                                <= filter_candidates 1
                                        <= list_candidates 9185
                                <= filter_candidates 9185
                        <= list_candidates 9143
                <= filter_candidates 9143