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Re: [Re: Admin tools for ldap]

Apart from matthew's facetous answer, there are no Admin tools available for
OpenLDAP per se. This is a BIG problem for management types who like to see
pretty pictures :( I tried to explain that the guts... important bits of the
server, is all invisible. The gui on top of it (ie: netscape's console) is
really irrelevant. They are, however, hearing none of this (being management

You can however, cobble some regular tools together to make a nice toolset. I
am currently working on a schema editor for openldap, but other than that,
there's the LDAP browser/editor. It's a java application that lets you browse
through an ldap directory. 

There's also another product out there called Metamerge (which will offer the
``on the fly'' replication that you are requesting.) Basically, replication is
done at constant intervals by having the servers all talk to eachother on the
back end -slurpd part of OpenLDAP-, but if you need something to import data
from various data sources, (oracle, other ldap db's, CSV, and anything else
under the sun) then this is a very good product. It's free for universities.

Matthew Palmer <mjp16@ieee.uow.edu.au> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Lye wrote:
> > I am wondering if there is any admin tools for ldap that can allows u to:
> > 1. Set up the slapd.conf
> 'joe' has always worked for me.  Alternately, you can use any of vi, emacs,
> jove, je, pico, vim, elvis, nedit, kedit, kwrite, or any other text editor
> which you are comfortable with.
> > 2. "See" other Directory Servers in the network so that you can issues
> > commands to replicate the data over
> That's a lot more difficult, because there's no guarantee that simply
> because you can see a DS you can write to it to perform the replication. 
> And there certainly won't be a tool available to tell you the DN and cred
> write to the DS.
> Furthermore, replication is typically automatic and configured for the
> server - I can't really think of a situation where on-demand replication
> would necessarily be better than constant replication.
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <disclaimer.h>
> Matthew Palmer
> mjp16@ieee.uow.edu.au

Best Regards,
E.M. Recio

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