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User root or another one

Hello openldap-software,

I am under:
-Mandrake 7.2
-Openldap 2.0.11

By following documentation, compilation and installation happened without problem.
I have a file / etc/openldap/slapd.conf with
suffix      "dc=Logica, dc=FR"
#suffix     "o=Logica Informatique, c=FR"
rootdn      "cn=Manager, dc=logica, dc=FR"
#rootdn     "cn=Manager, o=My Organization Name, c=US"
rootpw     motdepasse
# cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
# be avoid.  See slapd.conf(5) for details.
directory   /home/ldap/annuaire

index       cn,sn,uid       pres,eq,approx,sub
index       objectclass     pres,eq
index       default         none

A file logica.fr with:
dn: dc=Logica, dc=FR
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organisation
o: Logica Informatique
dc: Logica

dn: cn=Manager, dc=logica, dc=FR
objectclass: organizationalRole

If I throw under root
ldapadd -D "cn=Manager,dc=logica,dc=fr" -W -f /home/ldap/logica.fr
The password is asked then it is OK

If I try under user's name (with rights write in / home/ldap/annuaire) I have the message
ldap_bind: Protocol error
          additional info: version not supported
If I indicate ldapadd-P 2 -D ......  I have the message:
ldap_bind: Unknown authentication method

Similar for then entered differentes, I am obliged to make under root   
Thank you

A++,    Pierre                          mailto:pierre.rieu@dial.oleane.com