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Re: Strange things in LDAP

Quoting Igor Loncarevic <anubis@ho.com>:

> anubis@topaz anubis]$ ldappasswd -A -S -h ldap.domain.org -x -D
> "dc=domain,dc=org" igor
> Additional info: only authenicated users may change passwords

"dc=domain,dc=org" is not a 'user object'... It's a search base...
You have not authenticated. Read up on the '-D' switch. You also
need '-W' or '-w' switch...

> 2. Also, I cannot search LDAP base:

This can depend on a MULTIPLE of different things...

What does your ACL's look like?
What does your object look like?

> 3. I cannot bind with superuser-ldap (Manager) account, I have invalid
> credentials:
> $ ldapsearch -x -h ldap.domain.org -b 'dc=domain,dc=org' -D
> 'dc=Manager,dc=domain,dc=org' '(objectclass=*)' -w xyz

Hmm, does your manager object realy use the 'dc' object class!? Shouldn't
it be 'cn=Manager'?!

> Also, noone LDAP browser (gq, directory_search,...) doesn't work as
> predicted. ( connot broswe, search, change).

Probably because you're not authenticating propperly, or you have
anonymous search disabled (via ACL's).

> suffix          "dc=domain, dc=org"

Right! This is the search base, as said above...

> rootdn          "cn=Manager, dc=domain, dc=org"

As I thought, you should have used 'cn=Manager' above, but you
used 'dc=Manager'.

And if I'm not mistaken, remove the spaces after the ','..
(this was a problem in 1.2, don't know if it was fixed for 2.0).

> rootpw          {crypt}xyxcsxMxhjeti
> access to attr=userPassword
>             by self write
>             by anonymous auth
>             by dn="cn=Admin,dc=domain,dc=org" write
>             by * none

Eh!? 'cn=Admin'? Either you have 'cn=Admin' in both places
(in both 'rootdn' and here) or you use 'cn=Manager'. Also make
sure that the object you're using really exists in the LDAP

> access to *
>             by self write
>             by dn="cn=Admin,dc=domain,dc=org" write
>             by * read

Othervise the ACL's looks ok...

> Is cn=Manager same as cn=Admin?

No. "A can is a can, and not a bottle, and if you say can, don't
mean bottle" (that is, use as directed).

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