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Re: ldappasswd 2.0 series

At 01:14 PM 10/13/00 -0500, Matthew Hoskins wrote:
>I was wondering how I could change the hashing method for ldappasswd in the
>2.0 series of openLDAP.


>I'd like
>to migrate my existing UNIX accounts into the LDAP system but need the
>hashing algo to be crypt.  Any ideas?

>I suppose I could simply create an ldif file with modify commands and
>manually put "userPassword: {crypt}ENCRYPTED_PASS" for each DN but I'd sure
>like to make use of the tools available such as ldappasswd.

ldappasswd(1) is for setting a new password.  If you setting
userPassword to an old password, you'll need to use ldapmodify(1).

Note that you can use multiple schemes.  That is, you can
add all your existing users using {crypt} and configure
slapd to generate {SSHA} for updates/new users.
