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Re: Uniqueness of attribute values

An LDAP server can enforce such a constraint.  For example, Netscape
Directory Server is easily configurable, to do this (it's a preoperation
plugin 'uid-plugin', in slapd.ldbm.conf).  In OpenLDAP, it would require
non-trivial programming, I imagine (as far as I know, no similar plugin is
available for the OpenLDAP server).

Luca VEZZADINI wrote:

> Is there any way to enforce uniqueness on any attribute in an LDAP entry?
> As far as I know, the DN is unique by
> definition, but all the other attributes cannot be. So, for example, I can
> have the same uid or e-mail address for two users that are in different
> branches of my organization.
> Is there any way for example to force the uid attribute of the user
> objectclass to be unique across the whole directory tree?