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Re: Fw: LDAP Search to SQL Select

At 04:04 PM 10/5/99 -0400, Robert Klerer wrote:
>I have a relational database as my directory.  I would like to be able to
>accept LDAP queries.  Does anyone have a process that will accept LDAP
>searches, generate an SQL select and convert the results back for an LDAP

This can be done by either writing your own backend or use
one of the "programmable" backends.  OpenLDAP 1.2 offers
both (though the only "programmable" backend is back-shell).
OpenLDAP 2.0, when released, will offer Perl and TCL backends.

>I notice that there are references in the archives to a "Generic SQL
>backend", which I could not locate the details on.

This effort is dead.  See devel list archives for details
as to why.
